Hall of Fame
Team Builder Award
Tom Bailey
As we celebrated the 40th anniversary of the Lincoln Leapers Jump Rope Club we wanted to provide a history of the origins of our club. The roots of the team stem from the Jump Rope for Heart, a fundraiser for the Heart and Stroke Foundation.
It all began on the pavement of Campden School. In the late 1970’s those that were interested students at the school were gathered together and they began working to develop their jump rope skills. Fundraising and performances and competitions then followed. The skills of those members were honed, practiced, and mastered.
Members gathered together on weekends and transported around the region to do performances and competitions. The group became aware of a skipping club in Seattle and the team went on a cross-country international road trip. This trip was a pivotal event whose impact was not known at the time. The team that attended learned new moves at a skipping camp and then they were hooked.
When they returned the team shared what they learned and skipping then became part of the school’s gym curriculum. Word spread and other schools expressed interest in being shown what could be done with a single rope. Return trips to Seattle, competitions, workshops, and advancing skills continued to follow.
In 1982 this school club from Campden lead to the formation of Canada’s first jump rope competitive team – The Lincoln Leapers!
​All of this could not have happened without the dedication of the driver of that famous van, his dedication over many years to helping youth learn and grow and become confident in skill development and performance. And perhaps most importantly helping the members grow into young confident adults.

We would like to celebrate our 40th anniversary by honoring posthumously the founder of our club and naming
Mr. Tom Bailey
as the first inductee into the
Lincoln Leapers Team Builder Hall of Fame.

Lincoln Leapers
Hall of Fame

Maeghan Barker
Inducted in 2022
Maeghan joined the team in the early 1990s. Maeghan's team went to the first FISAC worlds in St. Louis in 1999, where they placed first overall in their age category. This was a very significant achievement as it was the first time competing in the new FISAC events and in the overall format. Maeghan also competed at the FISAC Worlds in Australia in 2004, as well as many ADDL worlds.
Maeghan was a member of the Lincoln Leaper performance team for years. She was part of the performance team's European tour in 2002, performing shows and demonstrations across Europe. Maeghan returned to the team in 2018 as a coach. She was able to share her valuable jump rope knowledge and skills with new Leapers, coaching for 4 years.
Brittany Hildebrand

Inducted in 2022
Brittany joined the team in the early 2000s. Brittany was a talented jumper winning regional, provincial, and national championships and qualifying and competing at FISAC Worlds in Toronto in 2006 and in South Africa in 2008. Brittany was also on the performance team and coached little leapers throughout her time on the team.
Brittany started coaching the competitive team immediately after high school, from 2009 - 2011. Brittany was an enthusiastic coach, working with younger jumpers to introduce them to jump rope and pass along the passion for the sport.
Colleen Chapman
Colleen joined the Lincoln Leapers in 2005 and her greatest achievement as an athlete was placing 2nd in 30 seconds speed at the World Junior Competition in 2012. Colleen started to coach full time for the competitive team in her grade 12 year and coached full time for 4 years and part time for 2 years after that.
Colleen pushed athletes to be the best that they could be and taught them the skills needed to succeed in practice and competition, as well as teaching teamwork and collaboration.
Inducted in 2022

Viki Filipek

Inducted in 2022
Viki joined the Lincoln Leapers in 2003 and her greatest achievement as an athlete was placing 4th in 2x60 double dutch speed at the 2010 FISAC World Championships as well as her team placing 1st overall at the 2010 National Championships. Viki started to coach full time for the team during university and continues to coach for the team today.
Viki is a talented coach and is always pushing to help increase skill level and raise our competitive level. She brings her years of experience competing and coaching jump rope to our practices and we are so lucky to have her continue to help our team reach new heights.
Krista Simpson
Krista joined the Lincoln Leapers in 2003 and her greatest achievement as an athlete was placing 1st in triple unders in the World Junior Tournament in London England in 2011. Krista was the head coach of the competitive team for 2 years.
Krista is a skilled coach and she provided valuable knowledge on training and conditioning that the team was able to incorporate into our practice plans and structure. Her passion and enthusiasm for the sport and the Lincoln Leapers was apparent in the amount of time and energy she put into her role; always ensuring that our athletes had the best opportunity to succeed and continue to grow.
Inducted in 2022